Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Solar Plexus Chakra

Today, we will discuss about The Solar plexus Chakra.
Solar plexus, also known as Manipura Chakra is located at the diaphragm; that is below heart, below the breast bone.
This Chakra is responsible for the feeling of Self esteem, thoughts, action, and realization of your life’s dream. This Chakra is also another gateway to your psychic abilities. Solar plexus is the place where we sow the seeds of our individuality, inner strength and wisdom, material and spiritual power. Our thoughts, opinions and judgments of what we do, originate right here in this Chakra.
Now visualize the body parts that are a part of this region. This Chakra affects Liver, gall bladder, pancreas, diaphragm, small intestine, stomach, spleen, adrenals, upper abdomen, middle back, spine, and blood. Therefore, if this Chakra is not balanced, it may manifest in the form of illnesses like digestive disorders, fluctuation in sugar level, disorders of lumber region of spine, middle backache, gall stones, illnesses related with liver, pancreas, stomach etc.
Psychologically, it has a great impact on our will power, intellect, wit, wisdom, inner knowledge, knowledge of the universe, Self Awareness, Self-esteem, mind control, Optimism. The color of this chakra is YELLOW.
An underactive Solar Plexus Chakra makes one feel insecure, low on self-esteem, self confidence, and self control, you may feel victimized, may feel as if you are under the control of others, isolated, fearful, depressed. An overactive Solar Plexus Chakra will bring in over controlling nature, hunger for power over others, arrogance, excessive anger, violence, destructive thoughts for self and others. An individual whose Solar Plexus is overactive is generally workaholic, perfectionist, and always complains about bad relationships—personal as well as professional. He or she likes to dominate others. This Chakra stores the information about our spiritual self, about our position in the vast universe, about self- awareness. Solar Plexus also stores the information of the marks left on our consciousness from the past, traumas, emotional baggage etc.
To balance this Chakra you may consider doing the following:
·         Imagine a fresh, bright yellow beam of light, entering your body at the Solar Plexus.
·         Imagine the yellow beam converting into a spinning wheel. At first, imagine the wheel spinning anticlockwise. This will deplete negative energy, if any; and then spin the wheel clockwise. This will absorb positive energy from the universe.
·         You may consider listening to soft, gentle, soothing music, may sing also along with the songs, or hum to the tune.
·         You must do meditation to balance this Chakra.
·         This Chakra works very well with water sports, swimming, and water yoga.
·         Depending upon the energy of your Solar Plexus Chakra, you may reduce or enhance the use of color Yellow on your body and in surroundings.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Sacral Chakra

Let’s discuss about The Sacral Chakra today.
Sacral Chakra, also known as Swadhishthan Chakra is located in the sacral region, hence the name Sacral Chakra. To locate it on your body, imagine a rotating wheel about two inches below naval.
This Chakra is responsible for the feeling of Self worth. You get the “gut feeling” right here in this Chakra. Sacral Chakra is our radar for the psychic phenomena like intuition and the secret place where we harbor our desires, sexuality, and the “need for respect” from others.
Now visualize the body parts that are a part of this region. This Chakra affects ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus in females, adrenals, testicles in males, hips, pelvis, prostrate, small intestine, urinary bladder, spleen, and lower abdomen. This Chakra is also known to affect the circulatory and lymphatic system, and also Urino-genital system. Therefore, if this Chakra is not balanced, it may manifest in the form of illnesses of the above written body parts.
Psychologically, it has a great impact on our emotions, feelings, intimate relationships, expression and acceptance of sexuality, psychic instincts, procreation, and social security. This Chakra mainly helps an individual to feel recognized and satisfied in all spheres of his or her life.
Emotionally it has a direct impact on one’s desires. The color of this chakra is ORANGE.
An underactive Sacral Chakra makes one feel insecure, possessive, envious, angry, arrogant, withdrawn, victimized, guilty, confused, and more materialistic; while an overactive Sacral Chakra may bring in emotional instability, hyperactivity, hypersensitivity, restlessness, and will make an individual lustful, selfish, controlling others, judgmental, overly attached to things, thoughts and opinions of self and others.
This Chakra stores the information about our childhood—pleasures, traumas, emotional well being—expression or repression of our feelings, emotions during childhood.
To balance this Chakra you may consider doing the following:
·         Imagine a vibrant orange beam of light, entering your body at the Sacral Chakra from all the sides of your body.
·         Same as in Root Chakra, imagine the orange beam converting into a spinning wheel. At first, imagine the wheel spinning anticlockwise. This will deplete negative energy, if any; and then spin the wheel clockwise. This will absorb positive energy from the universe.
·         You may consider doing some creative activities like music, dance, an art form, belly dancing, listening to sensual songs etc. to balance this Chakra.
·         You should consider doing meditation.
·         Depending upon the energy of your Sacral Chakra, you may reduce or enhance the use of color Orange on your body and in surroundings.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Root Chakra

Let’s discuss about The Root Chakra today.
Root Chakra, also known as Muladhar Chakra is located at the base of the spine. To locate it on your body, imagine yourself sitting cross-legged on the floor. The place exactly between the sex organs and the anal opening is the place of the Root Chakra.
As the name suggests, this Chakra is responsible for the feeling of grounding yourself. This is the only Chakra that is in direct contact with the earth, and hence is responsible for the energy flow from our body toward the earth and vice versa.
Now visualize the body parts that come in this region. This Chakra affects kidneys, adrenals, sex organs, hips, pelvis, large intestine, urinary bladder, legs, male gonads and tail bone (coccyx). This Chakra is also known to affect the blood circulation, nails, teeth and bones. Therefore, if this Chakra is not balanced, it may manifest in the form of illnesses of anus, rectum, sexual disorders in males, constipation, fluctuation in body temperature, anemia etc.
Psychologically, it has a great impact on our behavior, impulsiveness, grounding, the feeling of belongingness, sexuality, vitality, survival instinct, and security. This Chakra mainly helps an individual to feel satisfied in his or her material world.
Emotionally it provides the passion for anything and everything. The color of this chakra is RED.
An underactive Root Chakra makes one feel insecure, fearsome, anxious, impulsive, and lonely; while an overactive Root Chakra may bring in falsehood in behavior, ego, lust, and excessive hunger for money.
This Chakra stores the information about our past beliefs, biases, physical pleasures and pains, and importantly basic instincts.
To balance this Chakra you may consider doing the following:
·         Imagine a vibrant red beam of light, entering your body at the Root Chakra.
·         Imagine the beam converting into a spinning wheel. At first, imagine the wheel spinning anticlockwise. This will deplete negative energy, if any; and then spin the wheel clockwise. This will absorb positive energy from the universe.
·         You may listen to some tribal music, drum beats, or any soft music to balance this Chakra.
·         You may even consider doing some physical exercises like yoga, Mantra meditation, walking, jogging etc.
·         Depending upon the energy of your Root Chakra, you may reduce or enhance the use of color RED on your body and in surroundings.
I sincerely wish that you all have a balanced Root Chakra so as to have satisfaction in your material life. Once this Chakra is balanced, you may go up toward the Sacral Chakra.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Body Chakras continued...

The energy enters our body through two main places—from the Crown Chakra (top of our head) and from the feet. Our body absorbs and releases energy from all Chakras, including the Crown Chakra and feet. There is a two way current in our body. The energy that enters our body from the Crown is basically the Divine energy, the Universal force, the Life Force or Prana--the power of our higher-self, the power of who you are. And the energy that enters through the feet is the ground energy—the energy of Mother Earth. We take the vibrations from Mother Earth into our body through our feet.

The Divine energy that enters through our Crown is grounded through the feet. It is much like an electric circuit. We receive the energy from the universe and earth it, or ground it at the floor. Our body is a good conductor of electricity, and hence needs grounding from time to time.

Have you ever experienced any of these:
1.    You are anxious for no apparent reason?
2.    You are angry/ depressed/ nervous for no apparent reason?
3.    You are feeling lethargic without any strenuous work?
4.    You are restless?
If your answer to any of the above questions is “Yes,” then next time you feel anything like this—please ground yourself!!!
What does “grounding” mean? I’m sure, we all studied physics in school. Just go back to the basic chapters of science, and brush up your knowledge on Conductors of heat, electricity, and magnetism. Human body is a good conductor of all the above three. So the excess charge on our body needs to be “discharged” off. Hence we should ground ourselves regularly.
If you experience anything like mentioned above, please do the following:
1.    Remove your footwear, and stand or walk on the floor tiles bare feet for at least ten to fifteen minutes. You may even sit on the floor without taking any cushion etc.
2.    Make sure the floor is not a wooden one, as wood is a bad conductor of electricity.
3.    Wash your feet with plain water, or if possible wash with salted water.
4.    Walk on the grass.
5.    Meditate, imagining all the excess charge leaving your body through all possible routes, and making you feel a bit lighter.
You should ground yourself after your meditation, when you wake up in the morning, and whenever you chant any powerful Mantras.
Excess of charge in your body will have a lasting effect on Chakras as the energy flows through the Chakras, and if any Chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it will affect your very being.

Body Chakras continued...

Chakras are energy centers in our body, and hence are vulnerable to attracting energies that may or may not be conducive to one’s growth. What do I mean by this sentence? We have learned some time back that thoughts are energy, and there are other vibrations also in the universe around us. Every thought generates energy in the form of thoughts that follow the first thought, or in some kind of an action. If the very first thought was positive, it is likely to generate other positive thoughts and actions; but if it was not, negative thoughts and actions are generated. We all know that in metaphysics, “Like attracts like.” So if there are positive thoughts, they will attract positive energy; and vice versa.
One more thing I would like all of you to pay attention to is that the energy generated from every thought, every action will end up either opening a Chakra or blocking it. If it is open it will attract more positive energy; and if it is blocked, it goes on attracting negative energy. This negative energy blocks the Chakra further and manifests in the form of various illnesses.
Apart from our own thoughts, Chakras are affected by the thought vibrations of people around us and surroundings. Again, positive vibrations will attract positive vibes, and negative ones—negative vibes. So be cautious of what to think, talk, do, and also watch your company. I’m not saying this because you are judged by the company you keep; but because you attract vibrations from everything and everyone around you. So, try to be in a good, very good company.
Chakras are also affected by feelings—happiness, love, compassion, selflessness, satisfaction, meaning, give and take, ability to forgive and forget and any other positive feeling; and also by negative feelings like—fear, guilt, anxiety, revenge, stress, and any other emotional traumas. Do I need to emphasize on the effects these feelings generate?
Colors too play an important role in Chakras’ health as every Chakra vibrates on a particular frequency. Excessive use of any particular color may influence the health of a Chakra.