Monday, April 10, 2017

My New Mandala Drawing

Namaste Friend

I am sure, you are feeling blessed today!

Today, I want to share one more Mandala with you I drew in the flight on my way back home, yesterday. One interesting thing to note is that I was extremely tired after a very hectic days work, and was almost sleepy , but my mind was fully awake and my spiritual instincts too, guided me to the deepest core of my psyche. The Mandala thus emerged is extremely powerful and meaningful. Please have a deeper look at the Mandala...

The details are as below:
1. The bud-- Signifies the opening of the heart and fulfillment of your deepest dreams.
2. Five Petals--Signify that a massive change in the life is coming.
3. Eight Petals-- Signify infinity, new life, the balance and the order of the universe.
4. The Wavy pattern-- Signifies the expansion of your vibrations in the universe
5. Three rays at the end of the wave-- These are the first three rays. They depict--    a) Past, Present and Future
   b) The harmony of opposites in the universe--the male, the female and balance            between them.
   c) The ray of will and power, the ray of love and wisdom and the third one is the ray      of Divine intelligence. 
   d) Birth, Life, Death or birth, death and rebirth. 
6. Diamonds at the end of the rays-- Signify ascension, clarity, wisdom and continuity.
7. Three circles in increasing order--Expansion of the three realms from physical to           mental to more fulfilling spiritual realm. 

Yes, I must admit that a major change is coming my way and I am all set for that. God willing, I shall accomplish my life's mission.

Thank you for reading.
Have a blessed life ahead.

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