Before I move on to the next Chakra, I would like to discuss something
more about the Heart Chakra. Heart Chakra or Anahata Chakra is the most
important body chakra as far as human beings are concerned. Because, we
being humans are bound to feel emotional, get affected by emotions, give
out different emotions, and also receive emotions and emotional
outbursts from people around us.
All this creates a lot of emotional energy around us. This energy in turn affects our very being in a positive or a negative way.
I would like to request all of you to please meditate on this chakra, and try to have a feel of its health. If this chakra is not in harmony, it will affect the overall health of all the chakras. How? Heart Chakra falls exactly in the middle of the Chakras--three chakras are below--solar plexus, sacral and root chakra; and three above-- the throat chakra, third eye and the crown chakra. So, the heart Chakra makes the middle point of this imaginary pipe of chakras. If it is blocked (which is the case with almost everyone of us, at least initially), it will not let the energy flow freely in our body.
Only one blocked chakra may block or affect the health and functioning of other chakras. Can you imagine, visualize the gravity of this situation??? And, I must tell you that the Heart Chakra plays a very important role in our life as this chakra is the place of exchange of the most of the energy.
All your thoughts, intent, action, and emotions are generated here, right here in this chakra. If you bury your emotions, they create a graveyard of negative emotions that stay permanently in your heart chakra blocking positive energy from coming in and negative eneregy from going out. The hurts you receive from others, the responsibilities that you shirk, your frustrations, unfulfilled expectations, desires, dreams; all add into emotional clutter. And this emotional clutter makes you feel even more insure, depressed, moody, angry, arrogant, and what not.
Please pay attention to your thoughts. Do not keep emotions buried, resolve issues that trouble you. And in most of the cases, you would find the solution from within. Connect to your inner self very often. Introspect, analyze, churn, ponder, and find a solution that is the best suited for you to live a happy life.
) all of you to please meditate on Heart Chakra today???

All this creates a lot of emotional energy around us. This energy in turn affects our very being in a positive or a negative way.
I would like to request all of you to please meditate on this chakra, and try to have a feel of its health. If this chakra is not in harmony, it will affect the overall health of all the chakras. How? Heart Chakra falls exactly in the middle of the Chakras--three chakras are below--solar plexus, sacral and root chakra; and three above-- the throat chakra, third eye and the crown chakra. So, the heart Chakra makes the middle point of this imaginary pipe of chakras. If it is blocked (which is the case with almost everyone of us, at least initially), it will not let the energy flow freely in our body.
Only one blocked chakra may block or affect the health and functioning of other chakras. Can you imagine, visualize the gravity of this situation??? And, I must tell you that the Heart Chakra plays a very important role in our life as this chakra is the place of exchange of the most of the energy.
All your thoughts, intent, action, and emotions are generated here, right here in this chakra. If you bury your emotions, they create a graveyard of negative emotions that stay permanently in your heart chakra blocking positive energy from coming in and negative eneregy from going out. The hurts you receive from others, the responsibilities that you shirk, your frustrations, unfulfilled expectations, desires, dreams; all add into emotional clutter. And this emotional clutter makes you feel even more insure, depressed, moody, angry, arrogant, and what not.
Please pay attention to your thoughts. Do not keep emotions buried, resolve issues that trouble you. And in most of the cases, you would find the solution from within. Connect to your inner self very often. Introspect, analyze, churn, ponder, and find a solution that is the best suited for you to live a happy life.
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