Today, we will discuss about The Heart
Heart Chakra, also known as Anahata
Chakra is located at the center of the chest.
As the name suggests, the Heart Chakra
is the abode of all our emotions, to feel, give, receive, and appreciate love
and compassion. We oftentimes say or hear things like—“he or she has a big
heart, has a generous heart, is good at heart, is soft-hearted, etc.” All these
attributes reside in this Chakra. This Chakra is also responsible to generate
seeds of creative thoughts. If these thoughts are strong enough, and are
nurtured properly; they can be converted into reality with the help of the
energy of this Chakra. This Chakra is also another gateway to your connection
with the Universal energy, your Higher Self, your healing powers etc.
Now visualize the body parts that are
a part of this region. This Chakra affects heart, lungs, thymus gland, blood
circulation, shoulders, arms, hands, muscles, and respiratory system of our
body. Therefore, if this Chakra is not balanced, it may manifest in the form of
illnesses of heart, lungs, hypertension, muscles spasms, cancer of lungs,
breasts, autoimmune diseases, etc. Psychologically, it has a great impact on
our will power, self-acceptance, love and compassion for self and others, empathy,
kindness, give and take, self-control, relationships, renewal, peace, acquiring
knowledge. The color of this chakra is GREEN
and also PINK.
An underactive Heart Chakra makes one
feel insecure, lonely, jealous, passive, possessive, in self-doubt, feel
resentment, need validations from others, have low or no self-worth, lack the
attitude of forgive and forget, and let go things in life. You may also have
fears of rejection, non-acceptance from others. An overactive Heart Chakra is
also equally dangerous. You may suffocate someone of your love, affection and
compassion. You will need a constant reminder from others that your love is
very important in their lives, and that you love them the most. The loved may
feel choked with your overflowing love. This may also bring in self-destructive
thoughts, arrogance, a feeling of being too sentimental, mood swings, and
codependency. This Chakra stores the information about our spiritual self,
about love-hate relationships of the present and the past, our emotional
attachments. The Heart Chakra is the energy center for our psychic development,
telepathy etc.
To balance this Chakra you may
consider doing the following:
Imagine a fresh
Green beam of light, entering your body at the Heart Chakra. You may also
imagine a Pink Beam in case you want to enhance the feeling of love and
Imagine the green
or pink beam converting into a spinning wheel. At first, imagine the wheel
spinning anticlockwise. This will deplete negative energy, if any; and then
spin the wheel clockwise. This will absorb positive energy from the universe.
You may consider listening
to soft, gentle, romantic music, may sing also along with the songs, or hum to
the tune. You may also listen to the sounds of Nature like chirping of birds,
waves, sea breeze.
You must do
meditation to balance this Chakra.
This Chakra works
very well with breathing exercises, nature walks, going to a sea shore, etc.
You may also write
some creative stuff, or read something that touches your heart, watch a
touching movie, or just recall all emotional moments from your life that would
bring tears in your eyes (good as well as not-so-good).
If you feel like
crying, consider crying and not suppressing it. The suppressed emotions block
our heart chakra. It doesn’t matter if you are a male or a female; you are a
human being first, and thus are bound to feel emotional at times. Do not worry
about anyone, go in a place that is comfortable, cry, release negative emotions
and get back to work!
Depending upon
the energy of your Heart Chakra, you may reduce or enhance the use of color
Green or Pink on your body and in surroundings.
Hi SK...
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this in a blog it will be very easy to locate...
Thanks Vishku for your comment.
ReplyDeleteWarm regards :)