Friday, July 13, 2012

The impact of the Mother’s thoughts on the fetus

Thoughts play a very big role in our life. Our life is carved by our thoughts and thought pattern. By now, we all know that in Spirituality, “Like attracts like.” A positive thought attracts more positive thoughts, and a negative one, more negative ones!
In pregnancy however, the importance of the thought vibration increases by multifold. The fetus is attached to the mother through the umbilical cord. This is the only, and the most important connection between the mother and the child. Whatever’s being taken in by the mother is taken as it is by the child. The bodily organs begin their development at the right time. The brain is in rudimentary stage. But the presence of universal consciousness in the soul give an extra edge to the fetus to take everything as it is. The fetal mind is in an unconscious state. It is in the “Alpha State” of mind that is just apt to transfer any conscious thoughts in it by the mother or anyone else in the surroundings. This is the same as the meditative state (hypnotic state) when affirmations are transferred in the unconscious mind of the subject.
The mother is a conscious being, but her thoughts are not conscious. Our thoughts are mostly random thoughts, generated from nowhere. If these thoughts are positive, which is a very rare case though, I say, it is a good sign for the mother and the child. But the problem is that we think negative most of the times, and this creates issues later in life of the baby and the parents. How?
The fetal mind takes all that has been fed to it by the way of thoughts, as it is. It just stores the information in some corner of its naive mind. When the baby is born, it observes the world with his or her own eyes, and takes a note of everything that is around him or her. This information is also stored on an unconscious level. As the child grows, it starts analyzing the information stored for so long. And with his or her own knowledge and awareness at that point of time, he or she starts making opinion about you as a parent and others in the close surrounding. If the child finds something contrasting to his or her own beliefs, he or she starts behaving in a manner that you may not like.
Many people say that their child is behaving in a strange manner since he or she has entered adolescence. I ask them, why do you fret now? This is all transferred from you, since the time immemorial! And they give me a scowled look. Yes, you have fed contrasting information to your child, and you have no right to punish your child at this stage.
Therefore, all ‘would be mothers,’ please watch your thoughts. Because unconsciously you end up laying foundation for your child’s behavior at a much later stage of his or her life!
At this point, I would like to share with you all something very personal. I come from a very religious and spiritual family. I have never seen my parents or siblings harming anyone, hurting anyone. We follow all values that a human being should follow. When I was a child, my parents would tell me at least one bedtime story each night, mostly from our Hindu Scriptures. When I listened to the story of Abhimanyu, I asked many questions to my parents. I remember, I was barely six then. Since then I started observing pregnant women in my close relationship and neighborhood. I observed them keenly, their behavior, thinking pattern, home atmosphere, their eating habits, educational background, etc.

I was harboring these secret thoughts in my unconscious mind that I want to know more about what goes on in the womb, how is the baby affected by mother's thoughts, behavior etc. While on conscious level I wanted to become a Gynecologist, unconsciously I was focusing on other metaphysical issues related with pregnancy and upbringing of a child. I could not get into medical field, but my bedtime story got me into full-time research on pregnancy related issues and upbringing of children. And I got my doctorate doing a full-time research on this. And my research is still on...

Watch your thoughts. They manifest themselves in due course of time. You cannot hide your thoughts, you cannot keep your thoughts a secret. They will surely come to fruition, sooner or later. This is very important for a mother to watch her thoughts, because unconsciously, you are passing on your thoughts to your unborn child too.

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